Built Environment Built Environment Healthy Ageing Healthy Ageing
Healthy Ageing !
Built Environment !

Health outcomes are often assumed to be attributable to the quality of medical care. However, we understand it is more linked to personal behavior, which is highly related to our built environment. In other words, health and well-being are determined not only by our genes and personal characteristics but also by the physical and social environments in which we live our lives.

Environments play an important role in determining our physical and mental capacity across a person's life course and into older age and also how well we adjust to loss of function and other forms of adversity that we may experience at different stages of life, and in particular in later years. Both older people and the environments in which they live are diverse, dynamic and changing. In interaction with each other they hold incredible potential for enabling or constraining Healthy Ageing.

What is
Healthy Ageing?

Healthy Ageing is developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age. Functional ability is determined by the intrinsic capacity of an individual (i.e. the combination of all the individual's physical and mental capacities), the environment in which he or she lives (understood in the broadest sense and including physical, social and policy environments) and the interactions among them.

What we do?

Knowledge Transfer | Built Environment

We aim to promote Healthy Ageing through social innovation projects, including public talks, architectural visits and workshops to students and retirees, while they will give feedbacks directly back to the health and built environment practitioners from an end-user perspective.

We also aim to provide opportunities for residents to learn self-care and participate in integrated health and social services close to where they live, as well as to create enabling environments together that can favour Healthy Ageing through collaboration with housing providers.

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Research | Living Environment

With a team of healthcare professionals of geriatricians, nurses, dietitians and physical trainers, we cultivate a diverse approach to comprehending the relationship between healthcare service and arhcitectural design. We research and develop "user-driven " and "evidence-based design" to enhance living standards, health and happpiness of Hong Kong's older people community.

We specifically aim to understand how our home environment can support and maintain older people's physical and cognitive function for Ageing-in-Place.

     #Design Guide   #Intergeneration   #AgeFriendlyCity   #Chinachem

Social Enterprise | House of Wellness

Funded by CUHK-SKPF, Happy Ageing Lab Foundation (HALF) is founded in 2021 at School of Architecture (SoA), collaborated with Institute of Ageing (IOA) at CUHK. Together we advocate revamping the design and management of our built environment for healthy ageing by providing participatory R&D services, bridging users and professionals, and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations.

#Housing   #Health&Social   #ParticpatoryDesign   #Advocacy

CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing

Suite 602, 6/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
+852 3942 0939


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